Thursday, October 18, 2007
Gr. 9 Math
Today in class we went over our Review worksheets on integers before our end of the unit test which is today. I will be posting up the answers for the worksheet for those who did not get the answers, or want to check over to see if they did they're work correct.

Before i post the answers, you should remember:

Rules for Multipying & Dividing:
( - ) x ( + )= ( - )
( - ) x ( - )= ( + )
( + ) x ( - )= ( - )
( + ) x ( + )= ( + )
The Order for PEDMAS:
which ever comes first, you do.
Starting for left to right
ex. (9-4) + 4 x 6
(9-4) + 4 x 6
5 + 4 x 6
5 + 24
= 29

A number line if you need help on knowing the smaller numbers and larger numbers.

Answers to
Review Worksheet on Integers:

Highlight the numbers that represent integers
1/2, .3333 , (-4 ), 32, +1/4, 50%, +18

2. State the opposite

-7 +7 -2 +2 +8 -8 -3 +3 +22 -22

3. Complete the chart

(if you do not understand, check the number line at the beginning to help you )

4. Circle the larger integer in each pair.

5. State the Integer described by each of the following:
a) 22°C above zero : +22
b) 9°C below zero: -9
c) 234m below sea level: -234
d) A loss of 13 points: -13
e) A profit of $1216: +1216
f) 8 floors up: +8
g) 12 under par: -12

6. explain and show how you got the answer for +4 + (-3)

- State with 4 positives and 3 negatives
- + ■ = 0 [ cancel zero models]
- Positive 1 is left over
- +4 + (-3) = +1

7. Write out the steps to solve (-16) - (-4)
Step 1: Change subtracting sign to adding
Step 2: Change -4 into +4

Step 3: Add -16 + (-4)
Step 4: take the signs from the larger digits. In this case its (-)
Step 5: Subtract -16 - 4 = -12
The answer for -16 - 4 = -12

8. Complete the table.

9. Use PEDMAS to solve the following:

Ms. Nicholson taught us a new clever trick.

Pick any number: (ex. 2)
Double it: ( 2x2 = 4)
add ten : (2+10 = 12)
subtract your original number: (12 - 2 = 10)
add fourteen: (10 + 14 = 24)
and divide by 6: (24/6=4)

your and answer should alway be four whether you picked a different number, it doesn't matter, it'll always be four.

That was all we did in class today. *REMEMBER, TEST TODAY. Sorry for posting this really late. If there's any questions, or you see i made an error, please inform me, or comment your questions. I'm going to bed now, bye (:
The next blogger will be michael (: good luck.

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posted by aLisa at 6:28 p.m. | Permalink |


  • At 8:19 a.m., Blogger christian

    wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! alisa nice post :)

  • At 4:23 p.m., Blogger Miss Nicholson

    WoW! Alisa! No wonder you were up all night!

    Excellent ideas in your scribe post!

    -I think the number line was a helpful idea in showing visually which numbers are bigger and which numbers are smaller.

    -great use of color in the PEDMAS questions

    -you certainly put a lot of work into creating all the charts and images. I'd love for you to show me how you did it!

    Keep it up! :)

  • At 6:52 p.m., Blogger rowenaamparo

    alisa !

    -_________________-" yeeeaaahhh