Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Grade 9 Math : Daily Blog

Sorry if this isn't the best blog because it's the first one of this year and it's the FIRST one I'VE ever done too.

Well, I think I should start talking about what happened today in class because that's what I'm supposed to be talking about but I don't seem to be doing that.

Okay, well, here it goes! =)

Well, today in class, we talked about who would be the first people to do the blog and what to do.
After that, we corrected the two worksheets we got the week before. One was on multiplying integers and the other was on dividing integers.
While we were correcting, Ms. Armstrong did a few sample questions. She gave a brief mesage about number patterns. It wasn't really something we should put in our binders or take notes about it but I think we might be talking about number patterns later on in the year.
Anywho, she explained the difference between brackets and parenthesis. Here are the notes about brackets and parenthesis :

* Brackets hold an integer together
example : (9)(-3) which means 9 x -3 ( nine times negative three )
* Parenthesis hold an operation inside
example : (9-3) which means 9 - 3 ( nine minus three )
* If there is no space in between variables/numbers, it means multiplication
example : (9x)(-3) ( nine times "x" times negative 3 )

We will be working more on brackets later on in the year. ( Hint Hint ) These notes down here about multiplying negative and positive integers :

* If you have an even number of negative integers, the answer will have a positive sign

example : (-5) (-3) (-7) (+1) (-3) = even number of negatives

ANSWER : +315

* If you have an odd number of negative integers, the answer will have a negative sign

example : (-5) (+3) (-7) (+1) (-3) = odd number of negatives

ANSWER : -315

That's basically all we talked about in class today. Hope that that was informative enough.
The next person who will be doing the Daily Blog for tomorrow will be Paris.

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posted by rowenaamparo at 5:08 p.m. | Permalink |


  • At 5:52 p.m., Blogger christian

    wow!!! rowena nice post!!! nice job...

  • At 5:41 a.m., Blogger Destiny

    Wonderful post but I see two 'about's within the post. (:

  • At 9:16 a.m., Blogger Ms. Armstrong

    You did a super job of your first blog posting. You explained things clearly, in a logical sequence, and gave examples. I also like that you told it as a story about the class instead of just typing your notes. It makes it much more enjoyable to read. Great start for the class. I hope Paris keeps up the momentum.

  • At 5:18 p.m., Blogger aLisa

    Good job ria ! i like how you expained what we did in class. =D kudos to you !

  • At 7:11 p.m., Blogger Jahmal

    you did i really good job.
    keep up the good work

  • At 11:05 p.m., Blogger Miss Nicholson

    This was a perfect lead-in to today's class. I'm happy you summarized the info so well for your classmates. It also made it easy for me to come in as your sub and understand just where you left off.

    Keep up the great work class!