Good morning again! Thank you for your patience and cooperation yesterday with the technical difficulties!
This task will be completed in the second half of today's class, after everyone has finished task 1.
Your important task is to comment on your classmates' work. Here's how:
- There are 4 problem types. You recorded a presentation about one of the problem types. Now you are responsible to comment on one problem in each of the other problem types (that means 3 comments).
- You can do your comments using a microphone (if one is available) or by selecting "type" instead and typing your comment.
- Each comment should say three things- something positive, something constructive, and a question.
For example:
"Your explanation was really clear about how three more than a number became x+3. It was difficult to know when you were checking your work and when you were solving the problem. A label might have helped. How would your answer change if you used cents instead of dollars?"
- DO listen to the person's audio explanation before commenting.
- DO read other comments before adding your own.
- DO be specific.
- DO be constructive instead of insulting.
- DO use the pen to highlight what you are referring to.
- DO remember that your work is being commented on as well- check back and respond!
- DO remember that the whole world can access your comments- you have a large audience!
- DON'T just say, "Good job. I liked it."
Suggestions for what to comment on:
- organization (how is the problem laid out?)
- detail (are all the steps included?)
- accuracy (is the answer correct?)
- neatness and clarity (can you understand what was written and spoken?)
Once again, have fun! I am expecting that you will be able to solve any of these problems in your test on Friday after completing this exercise.