Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Your first mission as Agent Jellybean

Hello there Agent Jellybean.
Your first mission is this...
1) Click on the link SCRIBE POST HALL OF FAME (you will find it on the right side of the screen).
2) Choose any 1 of the posts that has been inducted into the hall of fame and answer the following questions in the comment area of this post. (Click on 'comments' below). Each HALL OF FAME POST can only be used once, so make sure that no one has commented on it before you (or yours will not count).

1) What is the TITLE of the post and who was the author?
2) What is the math topic that the person was writing about?
3) What reasons were given for inducting this post into the hall of fame?
4) What did you think of the persons work?

Don't forget to be respectful of people's work and the safety issues that we discussed in class. In order to give you credit for doing this homework assignment you must use your real first name (NO last name).

Have fun... and welcome to YOUR blog.
Ms. Armstrong
posted by Ms. Armstrong at 12:09 p.m. | Permalink | 0 comments